A look at the pangenome consortium resources in AnVIL

As of July 17 2023:

  • when used with a suitable copy of the HPRC AnVIL workspace, grabtabs() provides interactive access to contents of all data tables, exposing Google Storage identifiers for BAM, VCF, minigraph, etc.

  • data(vcf1Mb) provides a VariantAnnotation CollapsedVCF instance with calls for the first 1Mb of chr1, using GRCh38 addresses

  • data(minigr_GRCh38) provides a GRanges that encodes the bb.bed file for HPRC 1.0 with bubble addresses in GRCh38

  • data(minigr_chm13) provides a GRanges that encodes the bb.bed file for HPRC 1.0 with (more) bubble addresses in T2T (CHM13)