use sessioninfo package to identify differences between session configurations

sessdiff(x, y, ...)



instance of session_info from sessioninfo package


instance of session_info from sessioninfo package


not used. Could be passed to `session_info` but then there would need to be code to extract information on, e.g., external components. This enhancement should be done but probably not in this function.


if (requireNamespace("sessioninfo")) {
  si = sessioninfo::session_info()
  print(sessdiff( si, si ))
  if (requireNamespace("parody")) { # unlikely to be loaded in any session
    si2 = sessioninfo::session_info()
    sessdiff(si, si2)
#> $xonly
#> character(0)
#> $yonly
#> character(0)
#> Loading required namespace: parody
#> $xonly
#> character(0)
#> $yonly
#> [1] "parody 1.57.0"