
BiocQE includes a simple data frame with the “Bioconductor Maintainer”-owned packages.


if (!exists("li")) li = biocPkgList()
## 'getOption("repos")' replaces Bioconductor standard repositories, see
## '?repositories' for details
## replacement repositories:
##     CRAN:
lj = left_join(bioc_maint_packs, li, by="Package")
## # A tibble: 69 × 52
##    Package  UsageClass criticality Maintainer.x Depends.x  LinkingTo.x Version.x
##    <chr>    <chr>      <chr>       <chr>        <chr>      <chr>       <chr>    
##  1 Annotat… anno       ""          "Bioconduct… "R (>= 2.… NA          1.54.1   
##  2 Annotat… anno       ""          "Bioconduct… "R (>= 3.… NA          1.16.0   
##  3 Annotat… anno       ""          "Bioconduct… "R (>= 3.… NA          1.34.0   
##  4 Annotat… anno       "high"      "Bioconduct… "BiocGene… NA          3.0.0    
##  5 Annotat… anno       "high"      "Bioconduct… "R (>= 3.… NA          1.22.0   
##  6 biomaRt  anno       "high"      "Mike Smith… "methods"  NA          2.48.0   
##  7 GenomeI… anno       "high"      "Bioconduct… "R (>= 4.… NA          1.28.0   
##  8 Genomic… anno       "high"      "Bioconduct… "BiocGene… NA          1.44.0   
##  9 GSEABase anno       "GeneSet?"  "Bioconduct… "R (>= 2.… NA          1.54.0   
## 10 Organis… anno       "?"         "Martin Mor… "R (>= 3.… NA          1.20.0   
## # … with 59 more rows, and 45 more variables: SystemRequirements.x <chr>,
## #   Version.y <chr>, Depends.y <list>, Suggests <list>, License <chr>,
## #   MD5sum <chr>, NeedsCompilation <chr>, Title <chr>, Description <chr>,
## #   biocViews <list>, Author <list>, Maintainer.y <list>, git_url <chr>,
## #   git_branch <chr>, git_last_commit <chr>, git_last_commit_date <chr>,
## #   Date/Publication <chr>, source.ver <chr>, mac.binary.ver <chr>,
## #   vignettes <list>, vignetteTitles <list>, hasREADME <chr>, hasNEWS <chr>, …