use the compare_entities method to assess 'closeness' of embedded elements
compare_entities(simbaref, refemb, queryemb, n_top = 50L, temperature = 1)
instance of python module for simba
AnnData instance with 'reference' embedding
AnnData instance with 'query' embedding
integer(1) number of 'reference' elements to be examined for 'max' output summarizing closeness (maximum of normed dot product)
numeric(1), a tuning parameter whose reciprocal scales softmax transformations of dot products between reference and query entities, defaulting to 1.0 for this application
simbaref = simba_ref()
cemb = simbaref$read_h5ad( get_3k_cell_emb() )
gemb = simbaref$read_h5ad( get_3k_gene_emb() )
cc = compare_entities( simbaref, cemb, gemb )
#> Error in eval(cl, parent.frame()): object 'cemb' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'cc' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'cc' not found