untar the artifact archive and return the path
version = "3.16",
type = "bioc",
cache = BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(),
destination = tempdir(),
verbose = TRUE,
url = NULL,
destbase = "/report"
character(1) defaults to "3.16"
character(1) defaults to 'bioc' which implies 'software'; see Note.
instance of `BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache()`
character(1) path to folder to use, defaults to `tempdir()`
logical(1) will indicate start and end of untar() process
passed to `get_report_tgz_cacheid`
character(1) name of folder that includes all artifacts, defaults to "report"
character(1) path to folder beneath which all artifacts are found
Typically some additional files exist in addition to the package-related folders at the returned path. `:::non_package_pattern()` can be used to find these. Use bbsBuildArtifacts:::valid_types() to see valid values for `type`.