All functions |
container for 4D image array (index,x,y,z), typically (,32,32,3) |
constructor for ImageArray |
convert assay data from SCE to ImageArray |
make an array of JPEG-like data for invocations of a (presumably random) shape-generating function |
app to demonstrate filtering of a jpeg |
a history object for keras fit for cifar100 data, using the ISLR tuning settings |
estimate accuracy of fitted model predictions for a given ImageArray |
return an ImageArray with images restricted to specific types |
linearize data in an image to a single vector for each image in an ImageArray instance |
extract numerical array |
extract numerical array |
extract vector of labels |
extract vector of labels |
restore a fitted model for CIFAR100 |
produce sequence of points on a line between two points |
use the CNN in Introduction to Statistical Learning with R on an ImageArray instance |
app for uploading and transforming a square jpeg |
this function defines a 3-dimensional array with given dimensions and sets all elements to 1 except those with element indices given by x and y, which are set to zero |
load shape-trained CNN |
produce an ImageArray of circles, triangles, quadrilaterals |
make a discrete image of a circle |
produce a list of x and y coordinates of "discrete lines" with specified numbers of points, forming a quadrilateral with vertices given by input coordinates |
produce a list of x and y coordinates of "discrete lines" with specified numbers of points, forming a triangle with vertices given by input coordinates |
report estimated model properties for a given ImageArray |
produce labeled 3x3 array of images via plot.raster |
print summary of islr_cnn object |
import, resize and rotate a JPEG that should have been produced in square mode |
crude approach to a random rectangle in 32x32 rectangle, can bleed over |
produce coordinates for a randomly positioned circle in a square plane |
produce coordinates of a random "quadrilateral" in 64 x 64 plane |
produce coordinates of a random "triangle" in 64 x 64 plane |
restore fitted model and addons |
run the ISLR CNN for CIFAR100 data |
save a fitted model in a folder with hdf5 and list components |
display information about ImageArray instance |
produce raster image of a jpg file |
simple extraction with bracket |
build islr_cnn instance trained on cifar100 |