
This vignette reviews basic aspects of interacting with omicidx to obtain metadata about metagenomics studies available in NCBI SRA.

In Nov 2020 we added some material at the end about the API for surveying nextflow outputs.

A quick view of a query about a study

To get things rolling, let’s assume we know the identifier for an SRA study of interest: SRP114847. How we discover identifiers for studies or families of studies will be discussed later.

We can obtain a rectangular table of information about SRP114847 by querying a specific endpoint of the omicidx API. We’ll use the “runs for study” endpoint and then discuss why and how afterwards.

#> [1] 219  70

So there are 219 rows returned. We can visit the study level page at SRA to find:

The mention of 219 runs suggests that the API did its job correctly.

The fields returned

On the basis of this query, the metadata table could have no more than 500 rows. What are the fields returned by our query?

#>  [1] "cluster_name"                 "static_data_available"       
#>  [3] "total_spots"                  "avg_length"                  
#>  [5] "sample_accession"             "experiment_accession"        
#>  [7] "received"                     "accession"                   
#>  [9] "published"                    "study_accession"             
#> [11] "size"                         "insdc"                       
#> [13] "load_done"                    "is_public"                   
#> [15] "alias"                        "qualities"                   
#> [17] "attributes"                   "total_bases"                 
#> [19] "lastupdate"                   "status"                      
#> [21] "study.pubmed_ids"             "study.identifiers"           
#> [23] "study.received"               "study.abstract"              
#> [25] "study.accession"              "study.published"             
#> [27] "study.title"                  "study.center_name"           
#> [29] "study.study_type"             "study.insdc"                 
#> [31] "study.alias"                  "study.attributes"            
#> [33] "study.lastupdate"             "study.BioProject"            
#> [35] "study.status"                 "sample.organism"             
#> [37] "sample.identifiers"           "sample.xrefs"                
#> [39] "sample.description"           "sample.taxon_id"             
#> [41] "sample.received"              "sample.accession"            
#> [43] "sample.published"             "sample.BioSample"            
#> [45] "sample.insdc"                 "sample.alias"                
#> [47] "sample.attributes"            "sample.lastupdate"           
#> [49] "sample.status"                "experiment.library_layout"   
#> [51] "experiment.identifiers"       "experiment.sample_accession" 
#> [53] "experiment.xrefs"             "experiment.received"         
#> [55] "experiment.accession"         "experiment.published"        
#> [57] "experiment.title"             "experiment.library_strategy" 
#> [59] "experiment.platform"          "experiment.study_accession"  
#> [61] "experiment.insdc"             "experiment.instrument_model" 
#> [63] ""            "experiment.alias"            
#> [65] "experiment.library_name"      "experiment.attributes"       
#> [67] "experiment.library_selection" "experiment.lastupdate"       
#> [69] "experiment.library_source"    "experiment.status"

There is some structure in the field names. There are four families of fields, base-level, study-level, experiment-level, and sample-level. The study/experiment/sample hierarchy reflects the fundamental data model of NCBI SRA.

It is somewhat curious that the field names do not include the token run. It seems reasonable to say that ‘run’ is a synonym for ‘experiment’, but the relationship is not always one-to-one. In this case, we see that each row returned has a unique experiment accession number:

#> [1] 219

The sample attributes

A challenging aspect of SRA metadata is the diversity of sample attributes recorded, which varies from study to study. The metadata sample.attributes field is nested within the metadata table, and consists of a list of tag-value pairs. As examples:

#> [[1]]
#>                tag                       value
#> 1  collection_date                 20-Jul-2016
#> 2        env_biome                   Human-gut
#> 3      env_feature    Human associated habitat
#> 4     env_material                      Faeces
#> 5     geo_loc_name               India: Bhopal
#> 6             host                Homo sapiens
#> 7          lat_lon             23.26 N 77.41 E
#> 8           Number                    Sample12
#> 9         host_age                          29
#> 10       host_diet                         Veg
#> 11  BioSampleModel Metagenome or environmental
#> [[2]]
#>                tag                       value
#> 1  collection_date                 20-Jul-2016
#> 2        env_biome                   Human-gut
#> 3      env_feature    Human associated habitat
#> 4     env_material                      Faeces
#> 5     geo_loc_name               India: Bhopal
#> 6             host                Homo sapiens
#> 7          lat_lon             23.26 N 77.41 E
#> 8           Number                    Sample11
#> 9         host_age                          22
#> 10       host_diet                         Veg
#> 11  BioSampleModel Metagenome or environmental

This is somewhat cumbersome but it allows for diversity in metadata capture from sample to sample.

To transform the sample.attributes to a table with one row per run, tidyr pivoting is very efficient:

sampatts = metadata %>% dplyr::select(accession, sample.attributes) %>% 
    tidyr::unnest(sample.attributes) %>% 
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from='tag', values_from='value') 

With this interactive table we can quickly see that there is diversity in geographic location (sort on lat_lon), and diet (sort on host_diet), but not on env_material (sort on it).

So, with very little code, we’ve learned a lot about SRP114847. Now let’s learn more about the API.

Reflectance in OmicIDX

The basic idea – listing the available endpoints

The OmicIDX system is developed using OpenAPI 3.0. It is possible to learn about the features of OmicIDX by parsing a JSON document.

ref  = jsonlite::fromJSON("")
#> [1] "openapi"    "info"       "paths"      "components"

The paths element is really useful for programming with the API.

#>  [1] "/sra/fields/{entity}"                
#>  [2] "/sra/studies/{accession}"            
#>  [3] "/sra/studies"                        
#>  [4] "/sra/studies/{accession}/samples"    
#>  [5] "/sra/studies/{accession}/experiments"
#>  [6] "/sra/studies/{accession}/runs"       
#>  [7] "/sra/samples/{accession}"            
#>  [8] "/sra/samples"                        
#>  [9] "/sra/samples/{accession}/experiments"
#> [10] "/sra/samples/{accession}/runs"       
#> [11] "/sra/experiments/{accession}"        
#> [12] "/sra/experiments"                    
#> [13] "/sra/experiments/{accession}/runs"   
#> [14] "/sra/runs/{accession}"               
#> [15] "/sra/runs"                           
#> [16] "/biosample/fields/{entity}"          
#> [17] "/biosample/samples"                  
#> [18] "/biosample/samples/{accession}"      
#> [19] "/facets/{entity}"

It has its own substructure, which you can explore using an expandable tree – try listviewer::jsonedit(ref). For now we’ll focus on the endpoint we used.

ourendpt = "/sra/studies/{accession}/experiments"$paths[[ourendpt]]$get$parameters$name, 
  ref$paths[[ourendpt]]$get$parameters$schema))  # wanted datatable but threw warning
#>         qualname          title    type
#> 1      accession      Accession  string
#> 2 include_fields Include_Fields   array
#> 3 exclude_fields Exclude_Fields   array
#> 4           size           Size integer
#> 5         cursor         Cursor  string
#>                                                                  description
#> 1                                                    An accession for lookup
#> 2             Fields to include in results. The default is to all fields (*)
#> 3 Fields to exclude from results. The default is to not exclude any fields. 
#> 4                                                                       <NA>
#> 5                                                                       <NA>
#>     type default example exclusiveMaximum
#> 1   <NA>    NULL    NULL               NA
#> 2 string    NULL       *               NA
#> 3 string    NULL    NULL               NA
#> 4   <NA>      10      10             1000
#> 5   <NA>    NULL    NULL               NA

Trying out a different endpoint

We found that refs$paths has lots of information that our software can use to figure out what it can do with the OmicIDX API. Here we’ll add a lucene query for the sra/studies endpoint. We’ll modify the default number of hits to retrieve, which is 10, specifying that we want up to 15 records. We’ll use q=microbiome%20AND%20cancer as a Lucene query.

mcq = jsonlite::fromJSON(
#> # A tibble: 15 x 23
#>    pubmed_ids total_spots identifiers experiment_count received abstract
#>    <list>     <chr>       <list>      <chr>            <chr>    <chr>   
#>  1 <list [0]> 2669228     <df[,2] [2… 18               2020-04… Argan p…
#>  2 <list [0]> 26923       <df[,2] [3… 2                2013-07… Objecti…
#>  3 <list [0]> 2743023     <df[,2] [2… 41               2014-11… This st…
#>  4 <list [0]> 117647491   <df[,2] [2… 96               2014-11… Individ…
#>  5 <list [0]> 6920681858  <df[,2] [2… 1515             2014-11… Several…
#>  6 <list [0]> 495190      <df[,2] [2… 39               2015-05… Backgro…
#>  7 <list [0]> 4262914461  <df[,2] [2… 312              2015-03… Colorec…
#>  8 <list [0]> 27646       <df[,2] [2… 1                2015-02… Heat-st…
#>  9 <list [0]> 108904      <df[,2] [2… 10               2015-10… The int…
#> 10 <list [0]> 30566007    <df[,2] [2… 10               2015-09… The lun…
#> 11 <list [0]> 3604330583  <df[,2] [3… 128              2015-10… We perf…
#> 12 <list [0]> 8653463     <df[,2] [2… 30               2016-06… Morphin…
#> 13 <list [0]> 6796169358  <df[,2] [3… 257              2016-06… Obesity…
#> 14 <list [0]> 3868574676  <df[,2] [3… 882              2016-02… Accumul…
#> 15 <list [0]> 260800      <df[,2] [3… 55               2016-11… Cancero…
#> # … with 17 more variables: accession <chr>, published <chr>, title <chr>,
#> #   mean_bases_per_run <dbl>, run_count <chr>, center_name <chr>,
#> #   study_type <chr>, insdc <lgl>, sample_count <chr>, alias <chr>,
#> #   attributes <list>, total_bases <chr>, lastupdate <chr>, BioProject <chr>,
#> #   status <chr>, description <chr>, broker_name <chr>

What we can do with the sra/studies endpoint

Let’s use the refs entity computed above to see what we can request using the sra/studies endpoint.

ourendpt = "/sra/studies"$paths[[ourendpt]]$get$parameters$name, 
  ref$paths[[ourendpt]]$get$parameters$schema))  # wanted datatable but threw warning
#>         qualname          title    type
#> 1              q              Q  string
#> 2           size           Size integer
#> 3         cursor         Cursor  string
#> 4     facet_size     Facet_Size integer
#> 5 include_fields Include_Fields   array
#> 6 exclude_fields Exclude_Fields   array
#> 7         facets         Facets   array
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    description
#> 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The query, using [lucene query syntax](
#> 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         <NA>
#> 3 The cursor is used to scroll through results. For a query with more results than `size`, the result will include `cursor` in the result json. Use that value here and re-issue the query. The next set or results will be returned. When no more results are available, the `cursor` will again be empty in the result json.
#> 4                                                                                                                                                                                                           The maximum number of records returned for each facet. This has no effect unless one or more facets are specified.
#> 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fields to include in results. The default is to all fields (*)
#> 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fields to exclude from results. The default is to not exclude any fields. 
#> 7                                                                                                                          A list of strings identifying fields for faceted search results. Simple term faceting is used here, meaning that fields that are short text and repeated across records will be binned and counted.
#>   example exclusiveMaximum default   type
#> 1  cancer               NA    NULL   <NA>
#> 2      10             1000      10   <NA>
#> 3    NULL               NA    NULL   <NA>
#> 4      10               NA      10   <NA>
#> 5       *               NA    NULL string
#> 6    NULL               NA    NULL string
#> 7    NULL               NA    NULL string

The q parameter is used to specify queries in the Lucene query format. We’ll return to that later.

Programmatic approaches to inspecting resources

A single run

Consider the content of the inst/curated folder of the curatedMetagenomicDataCuration repository. This is a collection of tsv files with sample attributes and NCBI_accession numbers for the samples. Each tsv file has a name in format [tag]_[year] where tag is often an author name.

The first folder is called AsnicarF_2017. There are two files: the AsnicarF_2017_metadata.tsv and a python program. Other folders may have only the tsv file.

Let’s get information on a specific sample in this study. We read from the tsv file in github the SRR number of the first row: SRR4052021. This is a token that can be used with the /sra/runs endpoint of OmicIDX.

pref = ""
do_one = "sra/runs/SRR4052021"
lk1 = jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(pref, do_one)) 
#>  [1] "cluster_name"          "static_data_available" "study"                
#>  [4] "total_spots"           "avg_length"            "sample_accession"     
#>  [7] "experiment_accession"  "received"              "accession"            
#> [10] "published"             "sample"                "study_accession"      
#> [13] "size"                  "experiment"            "insdc"                
#> [16] "load_done"             "is_public"             "alias"                
#> [19] "qualities"             "attributes"            "total_bases"          
#> [22] "lastupdate"            "status"

So there is a straightforward way to get detailed metadata for an SRR. Massaging the output here, to get that which is useful for metagenomic analysis, is an exercise.

A study

We encapsulated code we used above to get metadata on the AsnicarF_2017 study in the function samp_atts_by_study, that we’ll show and demonstrate here. We determined the SRP number from the call above.

#> function (srp = "SRP082656", size = 500, cursor = NULL, ...) 
#> {
#>     base_url = ""
#>     if (!is.null(cursor)) 
#>         base_url = paste0(base_url, "&cursor=", cursor)
#>     qstr = sprintf(base_url, srp, size)
#>     md = try(jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = qstr, flatten = TRUE))
#>     if (size == 0) 
#>         return(md)
#>     if (inherits(md, "try-error")) 
#>         stop("could not parse JSON")
#>     metadata = as_tibble(md$hits)
#>     if (inherits(metadata, "try-error")) 
#>         stop("check srp")
#>     sampatts = metadata %>% dplyr::select(accession, sample.attributes) %>% 
#>         tidyr::unnest(sample.attributes) %>% dplyr::filter(tag != 
#>         "BioSampleModel") %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "tag", 
#>         values_from = "value")
#>     attr(sampatts, "cursor") = md$cursor
#>     sampatts
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55dea1201018>
#> <environment: namespace:omicidxClient>
sa_asnicar = samp_atts_by_study()
#> [1] 28 11

One could say that this is the uncurated sample metadata for this study. Of some concern is the fact that there are 28 records here but only 25 records in the tsv file.

Code for the CMDG telemetry API

This is very basic exploration of results of the updated workflow. Note that the first 10 records are different from the remainder: the first 10 have metadata_tsv entries and no trace$script entries.

base_url = function() ""

nf_metadata_names = function(url=base_url(), limit=5, offset=0) {
  x = GET(sprintf(paste(url, "/nextflow/events?limit=%s&offset=%s", sep=""), limit, offset))
  sapply(content(x)$hits, function(z) z$metadata$parameters$metadata_tsv)

nf_metadata_wf_cmdline = function(url=base_url(), limit=5, offset=0) {
  x = GET(sprintf(paste(url, "/nextflow/events?limit=%s&offset=%s", sep=""), limit, offset))
  sapply(content(x)$hits, function(z) z$metadata$workflow$commandLine)

nf_trscript = function(url=base_url(), limit=5, offset=0) {
  x = GET(sprintf(paste(url, "/nextflow/events?limit=%s&offset=%s", sep=""), limit, offset))
  sapply(content(x)$hits, function(z) z$trace$script)

nf_accessions = function(url=base_url(), limit=5, offset=0) {
  tmp = nf_trscript(url=url, limit=limit, offset=offset)
  gsub(".*accessions: (.*\\]).*", "\\1", tmp)
nf_rowhash = function(url=base_url(), limit=5, offset=0) {
  tmp = nf_trscript(url=url, limit=limit, offset=offset)
  gsub(".*rowhash: (.*)....sampleinfo.txt.*", "\\1", tmp)

#> [1] "ContevilleLC_2019_metadata.tsv"     "ChuDM_2017_metadata.tsv"           
#> [3] "ChngKR_2016_metadata.tsv"           "ChengpingW_2017_metadata.tsv"      
#> [5] "Bengtsson-PalmeJ_2015_metadata.tsv"
nf_accessions(limit=5, offset=100)
#> [1] "[SRR5279265]"                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
#> [2] "[SRR8942352]"                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
#> [3] "[SRR8732230]"                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
#> [4] "[SRR2188726, SRR2188728, SRR2188756, SRR2188983, SRR2188989, SRR2189013, SRR2189038, SRR2189052, SRR2195677, SRR2195746, SRR2195804, SRR2195858, SRR2195863, SRR2195865, SRR2195882, SRR2195905, SRR2226885, SRR2244854, SRR2249519]"
#> [5] "[ERR636415]"
nf_rowhash(limit=5, offset=100)
#> [1] "7087bffcaa428fb24b159d3746d80b2a" "28923592f484c82bf4379d516d8c1636"
#> [3] "5f632fb82de069731e4a8c1e12432abe" "1e969c6da7eb9ceb332f676db6d3f443"
#> [5] "b7cf800033a2f2dd473c8593fddf5a5b"