a snapshot of studies that are being curated





#> [1] "Dataset.Name" "Bioproject" #> [3] "Study.Accession" "Publication" #> [5] "PMID" "Publication.Year" #> [7] "Bodysite" "Number.of.Samples" #> [9] "Number.of.Missing.Samples" "Notes.on.N.of.Samples" #> [11] "Main.Country" "Title" #> [13] "Metadata"
head(cmd3.0_studies, 3)
#> Dataset.Name Bioproject Study.Accession #> 1 AsnicarF_2017 PRJNA339914 SRP082656 #> 2 BackhedF_2015 PRJEB6456 ERP005989 #> 3 Bengtsson-PalmeJ_2015 PRJEB7369 ERP007090 #> Publication PMID Publication.Year #> 1 https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00164-16 28144631 2017 #> 2 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chom.2015.04.004 25974306 2015 #> 3 https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.00933-15 26259788 2015 #> Bodysite Number.of.Samples Number.of.Missing.Samples #> 1 Stool, Milk 24 NA #> 2 Stool 400 19 #> 3 Stool 70 NA #> Notes.on.N.of.Samples Main.Country #> 1 Italy #> 2 19 samples missing metadata Sweden #> 3 Sweden #> Title #> 1 Studying Vertical Microbiome Transmission from Mothers to Infants by Strain-Level Metagenomic Profiling #> 2 Dynamics and Stabilization of the Human Gut Microbiome during the First Year of Life #> 3 The Human Gut Microbiome as a Transporter of Antibiotic Resistance Genes between Continents #> Metadata #> 1 NA #> 2 NA #> 3 NA