preparing for a small number of entry points to owlready2 mediated by basilisk, this setup function will ingest OWL, enumerate classes and their names, and produce the 'parents' list, which can then be used with ontology_index to produce a functional ontology representation
preparing for a small number of entry points to owlready2 mediated by basilisk, this setup function will ingest OWL, enumerate classes and their names, and produce the 'parents' list, which can then be used with ontology_index to produce a functional ontology representation
pa = get_ordo_owl_path()
orde = setup_entities2(pa)
#> Ontology with 15239 terms
#> Properties:
#> id: character
#> name: character
#> parents: list
#> children: list
#> ancestors: list
#> obsolete: logical
#> Roots:
#> Orphanet_C010 - genetic material
#> Orphanet_C001 - clinical entity
#> Orphanet_C041 - inactive clinical entity
#> 4.0 - CC BY 4.0