
In Bioconductor 3.19, ontoProc can work with OWL RDF/XML serializations of ontologies, via the owlready2 python modules.

The owl2cache function retrieves OWL from a URL or file and places it in a cache to avoid repetitious retrievals. The default cache is the one defined by BiocFileCache::BiocFileCache(). Here we work with the cell ontology. setup_entities will use owlready2 python modules to parse the OWL and produce an instance of S3 class owlents.

clont_path = owl2cache(url="")
cle = setup_entities(clont_path)
## owlents instance with 16147 classes.

A plot method is available. Given a vector of tags as reported in OWL (no colons are used), the plot method produces an ontologyIndex instance and runs onto_plot2 on the result.

sel = c("CL_0000492", "CL_0001054", "CL_0000236", 
"CL_0000625", "CL_0000576", 
"CL_0000623", "CL_0000451", "CL_0000556")
plot(cle, sel)

Illustration with Human Phenotype ontology

hpont_path = owl2cache(url="")
## resource BFC63 already in cache from
hpents = setup_entities(hpont_path)
plot(hpents, hpents$clnames[550:570])

Note that an attempt to plot with tail(hpents$clnames) failed in November 2023, as the parents of those classes could not be found in HPO at that time. This could be evidence of an upstream error.