At the outset of 2023, considerable discussion has arisen regarding a SARS-Cov-2 variant called XBB.1.5.
One resource being cited
📝Recap why #XBB15 (storming 🇺🇸&🇬🇧) is a super variant:
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) December 31, 2022
📍among most immunity-evasive ‘escape variants’ to date
📍one of the best variants for invading human cells via ACE2.
📍Spreads much faster than old XBB or BQ
📍Causes ⬆️hospitalizations wherever dominant (NY CT MA NJ)🧵
is a tool for modeling how mutations to the virus facilitate immune escape. The calculator is here and the relevant paper is here.
Tracking emerging variants requires clear vocabulary for describing new strains.
The World Health Organization’s terminology and related practices are here.
The WHO site includes a link to comments by a technical advisory group about XBB dated from October 2022.
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