produce a tibble with CDC vaccine data
character(1) path to CSV as distributed at
path_12_29 = gzfile(system.file("cdc/COVID-19_Vaccinations_in_the_United_States_Jurisdiction.csv.gz",
build_vax_tibble(path_12_29) # retrieved 12/29, data to 12/22
#> # A tibble: 37,272 × 110
#> date date_given MMWR_…¹ Locat…² Distr…³ Distr…⁴ Distr…⁵ Distr…⁶ Distr…⁷
#> <date> <chr> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 AS 1.28e5 600 2.55e4 1.02e5 0
#> 2 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 PA 4.06e7 1564300 1.51e7 2.38e7 53700
#> 3 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 WA 2.42e7 776000 8.58e6 1.48e7 29300
#> 4 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 CO 1.69e7 500700 5.94e6 1.04e7 22000
#> 5 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 ID 4.54e6 160000 1.75e6 2.62e6 15200
#> 6 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 VI 1.69e5 3200 4.67e4 1.19e5 200
#> 7 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 IL 3.66e7 1182100 1.25e7 2.29e7 24800
#> 8 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 HI 4.45e6 124900 1.70e6 2.62e6 3600
#> 9 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 CA 1.16e8 3778100 4.14e7 7.06e7 129400
#> 10 2022-12-28 12/28/2022 52 ND 1.82e6 53600 6.41e5 1.12e6 2200
#> # … with 37,262 more rows, 101 more variables: Distributed_Unk_Manuf <int>,
#> # Dist_Per_100K <int>, Distributed_Per_100k_5Plus <int>,
#> # Distributed_Per_100k_12Plus <int>, Distributed_Per_100k_18Plus <int>,
#> # Distributed_Per_100k_65Plus <int>, Administered <int>,
#> # Administered_5Plus <int>, Administered_12Plus <int>,
#> # Administered_18Plus <int>, Administered_65Plus <int>,
#> # Administered_Janssen <int>, Administered_Moderna <int>, …